Thursday, March 11, 2010

Old Work is Still Good Work!

I have been inspired in the past few weeks by my patrons, including some new ones! Thank you all for your encouragement and helping me take my art to the next level. The ultimate appreciation for an artist is to have someone love your work so much they want to pay for it and take it home as part of their art collection. I have as an artist, taken some of my older works for granted. Some of them I still am amazed by, and others I think, "I could have done this or that to make them better." A jaded eye can set in. My own personal favorites are not for sale, as they are in my private collection. Usually they are views that remind me of a special memory or a breakthrough in technique or style. I have to remember that my favorites are not always those of my viewers/patrons. They see their own view of my work, with not such a critical eye. They remind me why I painted that painting in the first place. They give me a new appreciation of why I paint. Just because I have painted Pikes Peak a dozen times, it doesn't mean its not worthwhile. Cezanne is known for his numerous paintings of Mont St. Victoire, which I have seen in numerous collections and museums worldwide. Like an old friend. I have looked at the real thing every day since 1984 and am awed by my fortune. I miss it on rainy/snowy days. I can't wait until the next cloudless morning when in reappears in dazzling snowy splendor. I'm like those cloudy days now, working behind the scenes, and preparing for my next paintings, when my body is ready to sit or stand for longer periods of time. Seasons, and time. It's all good.

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